Executive Meeting Minutes will be posted here.
May 14th, 2014 Executive Meeting Minutes...
During our first Executive Meeting Msgt Fessenden outlined the procedures of our meeting and his expectations of each member. He also made it clear that the meeting would always end at 3:45pm.
MSgt Fessenden stated this meeting would be held every two weeks building up to our 2014-2015 Unit Evaluation.
Our next meeting will take place on May 28th at 3pm!
Semper Gumby!
Leadership meeting
-Waiver requests
No student can be an involuntary AFJROTC cadet assigned by authority in school (principal, house master, etc.)
-Storage facilities
Logistics positioned cadets meet on Wednesdays and Thursdays
Receipts will no longer have to be signed by parents(this should improve the timing in bringing in signed receipts by the cadets)
*Wings program* Permission slips for PT need to be signed by : (1st permission slip) within the first 45 days ; (2cnd permission slip) within the last 30 days
Color guard equipment needs to be at regulation
Uniforms need to be up to standard: clean, males’ faces are shaved, ranks and nametags are placed correctly, males’ hair are cut accordingly, females’ hair are at natural color (no inappropriate colors i.e. blue, green, etc.), etc.
-Cadet dedication and pride
-Mission brief
Each leading position in AFJROTC will contribute to our Prezi development on what AFJROTC has accomplished in the past 3 years and present to inspector.
C/SSgt Reyes, Cheyenne
Executive Officer
Leadership Meeting
-Enrollment counting
Everything needs to be up to date and all cadets must return PT Questionnaire’s
-Recruiting 8th graders and other high school students
Explain that you don’t have to join the military nor want to join in order to be in AFJROTC
Explain the benefits: college credit, you will be seen as someone who can handle responsibilities, etc.
Spread the word of AFJROTC through bear country news
Freshman especially should be able to contact 8th graders and discuss what AFJROTC is all about in recruiting
Spread the word to all cadets that they are expected to check our website weekly for new information and resources (the AFJROTC website: http://donfessenden.wix.com/ct81 )
C/TSgt Reyes, Cheyenne
Executive Officer
C/MSgt Sanchez, Victor
Assistant to Executive Officer
Leadership Meeting
-Goals were revised
Newest: Freshman may have to learn the Airman’s Creed in order to get ranked up(as the previous freshman of last year did)
Goal 1: each cadet on the leadership table has to have an A in AFJROTC ; 75 % of all AFJROTC cadets should have an A average in the AFJROTC class
Goal 2: 95% of cadets that sign up for an event will attend as claimed. If a cadet does not attend after signing up and does not have a plausible explanation, there will be repercussions ; attendance sheet and signup sheet will be stabled together
Goal 3: 200 coats will be donated from the corps as a whole in the annual coat drive
*undetermined* Goal 4: recruiting freshman : 25% of the corps recruits new freshman cadets ; ways to recruit: trips to middle schools, activities such as freshman academy
Goal 5: 15 cadets attend 1st Sunday at American Legion ( might be raised later on in the year)
Goal 6: community service hours( 1500 hours of community service will be done as an entire corp
Status report on each leadership members job/department
Cadets Volunteer to be Ambassadors for new students ( escorting new students to NHS 9-12 grades to their classes)
C/Tsgt Reyes, Cheyenne
Executive officer